96+ Shakespearean Cat Names

Looking for a unique and meaningful name for your new cat? If you’re a bookworm, look no further than this list of Shakespearean cat names!

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Clarence Kate

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Are you searching for a perfectly unique and meaningful name for your feline friend? Look no further! We have just the inspiration you need. Introducing Shakespearean Cat Names – a delightful collection of names that will make your cat the star of any play!

Whether you’re drawn to the beauty of Juliet, the strength of Macbeth, or the wisdom of Prospero, these names are sure to captivate your heart and leave a lasting impression.

Get ready to embark on a journey into the world of Shakespeare and discover the perfect name for your beloved companion. Let the enchantment begin!

Best Shakespearean Cat Names

  • Romeo – Perfect for a romantic and passionate cat
  • Juliet – Ideal for a sweet and lovable female cat
  • Othello – Great for a strong and noble male cat
  • Desdemona – Suitable for a gentle and innocent female cat
  • Portia – A regal and intelligent name for a female cat
  • Hamlet – Perfect for a thoughtful and introspective cat
  • Beatrice – Ideal for a witty and clever female cat
  • Benedick – Suitable for a charming and charismatic male cat
  • Cordelia – A loyal and courageous name for a female cat
  • Lysander – Great for a cat with a free-spirited and adventurous nature
  • Titania – Perfect for a majestic and graceful female cat
  • Puck – Ideal for a mischievous and playful cat
  • Viola – Suitable for a versatile and talented female cat
  • Orlando – Great for a brave and heroic male cat
  • Imogen – Perfect for a gentle and virtuous female cat
  • Antonio – Ideal for a loyal and trustworthy male cat
  • Rosalind – Suitable for a witty and vivacious female cat
  • Caliban – Great for a mysterious and enigmatic male cat
  • Helena – Perfect for a kind-hearted and compassionate female cat
  • Macbeth – Ideal for a cat with a strong and ambitious personality
  • Isabella – Suitable for a strong-willed and independent female cat
  • Laertes – Great for a cat with a protective and courageous nature
  • Anne – Perfect for a graceful and elegant female cat
  • Paris – Ideal for a charming and romantic male cat
  • Perdita – Suitable for a cat with a gentle and nurturing personality
  • Regan – Great for a cunning and ambitious female cat
  • Petruchio – Perfect for a confident and assertive male cat
  • Hero – Ideal for a brave and courageous female cat
  • Proteus – Suitable for a cat with a loyal and devoted nature
  • Rosaline – Great for a mysterious and alluring female cat
  • Malvolio – Perfect for a cat with a proud and pompous personality

Funny Shakespearean Cat Names

  • Purrtruchio – A humorous twist on the confident and assertive character
  • Catbeth – A playful combination of “cat” and the ambitious Macbeth
  • Purrtria – A funny play on the regal and intelligent Portia
  • Meowcio – A silly version of the proud and pompous Malvolio
  • Furrdinand – A punny name inspired by the noble and romantic Ferdinand
  • Purrmione – A clever twist on the talented and intelligent Hermione
  • Pet-crushio – A funny play on the confident and charismatic Petruchio
  • Meowcus – A silly version of the brave and heroic Marcus
  • Barkus – A humorous twist on the loyal and devoted character
  • Puckster – A playful name inspired by the mischievous Puck
  • Pawlet – A funny play on the witty and vivacious character
  • Furio – A silly version of the brave and fearless Othello
  • Purrtyblossom – A humorous twist on the sweet and innocent character
  • Macwag – A playful combination of “Mac” and the ambitious Macbeth
  • Meowtilda – A funny play on the courageous and wise Matilda
  • Snugglebuns – A silly version of the strong and noble character
  • Pawtrick – A humorous twist on the romantic and charming Patrick
  • Fleasander – A playful combination of “flea” and the free-spirited Lysander
  • Mercutio – A funny play on the witty and charismatic character
  • Furro – A silly version of the mischievous and playful Puck
  • Purrus – A humorous twist on the strong and noble Cyrus
  • Whiskerspeare – A playful combination of “whiskers” and Shakespeare
  • Mr. Meowgio – A funny play on the proud and pompous character
  • Pippin – A silly version of the brave and heroic character
  • Purrsephone – A humorous twist on the sweet and innocent Persephone
  • Benedicat – A playful combination of “bene” and the charming Benedick
  • Furrin – A funny play on the regal and intelligent character
  • Paw-tricia – A silly version of the loyal and courageous Patricia
  • Purrble – A humorous twist on the gentle and virtuous character
  • Purrgo – A playful combination of “purrr” and the mysterious Iago

Cool Shakespearean Cat Names

  • Mac – A cool and strong name inspired by Macbeth
  • Ariel – A mystical and ethereal name for a female cat
  • Oberon – A powerful and majestic name for a male cat
  • Phoenix – Symbolizes rebirth and transformation, perfect for a resilient cat
  • Cressida – A unique and exotic name for a female cat
  • Montague – A cool and rebellious name for a male cat
  • Cleopatra – A name associated with power and beauty for a regal female cat
  • Morpheus – A mysterious and enigmatic name for a male cat
  • Electra – A cool and fierce name for a strong female cat
  • Horatio – A smart and intellectual name for a male cat
  • Starling – A unique and captivating name for a female cat
  • Balthazar – A cool and confident name for a male cat
  • Luna – A celestial and magical name for a female cat
  • Cassius – A strong and determined name for a male cat
  • Seraphina – A cool and fiery name for a female cat
  • Mercury – A quick and agile name for a male cat
  • Isolde – A cool and mysterious name for a female cat
  • Caesar – A powerful and authoritative name for a male cat
  • Lyra – A musical and enchanting name for a female cat
  • Titus – A strong and fierce name for a male cat
  • Athena – A wise and strategic name for a female cat
  • Cicero – A cool and eloquent name for a male cat
  • Juniper – A unique and botanical name for a female cat
  • Bruno – A cool and confident name for a male cat
  • Octavia – A strong and noble name for a female cat
  • Maximus – A powerful and dominant name for a male cat
  • Zara – A cool and exotic name for a female cat
  • Leonidas – A strong and fearless name for a male cat
  • Vesper – A mysterious and alluring name for a female cat
  • Jupiter – A cool and celestial name for a male cat

Unique Shakespearean Cat Names

  • Ophelia – A unique and tragic name for a female cat
  • Rumor – An intriguing and mysterious name for a male cat
  • Viatrix – A rare and strong name for a female cat
  • Brunhilda – A unique and powerful name for a male cat
  • Lavinia – A rare and elegant name for a female cat
  • Ignatius – A unique and fiery name for a male cat
  • Sapphira – A rare and precious name for a female cat
  • Leander – A unique and adventurous name for a male cat
  • Persephone – A rare and mythological name for a female cat
  • Alaric – A unique and strong name for a male cat
  • Titania – A rare and enchanting name for a female cat
  • Fitzwilliam – A unique and noble name for a male cat
  • Artemisia – A rare and independent name for a female cat
  • Casimir – A unique and regal name for a male cat
  • Imelda – A rare and glamorous name for a female cat
  • Prospero – A unique and magical name for a male cat
  • Elara – A rare and celestial name for a female cat
  • Valerian – A unique and valiant name for a male cat
  • Oriana – A rare and radiant name for a female cat
  • Peregrine – A unique and adventurous name for a male cat
  • Isidora – A rare and mystical name for a female cat
  • Caspian – A unique and majestic name for a male cat
  • Zephyra – A rare and breezy name for a female cat
  • Malachi – A unique and mysterious name for a male cat
  • Elowen – A rare and ethereal name for a female cat
  • Sebastian – A unique and sophisticated name for a male cat
  • Aurelia – A rare and golden name for a female cat
  • Leopold – A unique and distinguished name for a male cat
  • Evangeline – A rare and angelic name for a female cat
  • Alastair – A unique and powerful name for a male cat

Cute Shakespearean Cat Names

  • Romeo – Meaning: Romantic
  • Ophelia – Meaning: Helper
  • Puck – Meaning: Mischievous
  • Beatrice – Meaning: She who brings happiness
  • Benedick – Meaning: Blessed
  • Viola – Meaning: Joyful
  • Orlando – Meaning: Renowned land
  • Hermione – Meaning: Earthly
  • Titania – Meaning: Great one
  • Rosalind – Meaning: Beautiful rose
  • Lysander – Meaning: Liberator
  • Ariel – Meaning: Lion of God
  • Celia – Meaning: Heaven
  • Portia – Meaning: Pig, hog
  • Helena – Meaning: Bright, shining one
  • Luciana – Meaning: Light
  • Rosaline – Meaning: Pretty rose
  • Juliet – Meaning: Youthful
  • Cordelia – Meaning: Heart
  • Petra – Meaning: Rock
  • Miranda – Meaning: Admirable
  • Desdemona – Meaning: Unlucky
  • Hermia – Meaning: Messenger
  • Imogen – Meaning: Innocent
  • Bianca – Meaning: White
  • Perdita – Meaning: Lost one
  • Goneril – Meaning: One who is lost
  • Regan – Meaning: Little ruler
  • Isabella – Meaning: Devoted to God
  • Pamela – Meaning: All honey
  • Helicon – Meaning: Sacred mountain

Male Shakespearean Cat Names

  • Hamlet – Meaning: Home
  • Oberon – Meaning: Noble, bear-like
  • Macbeth – Meaning: Son of life
  • Benvolio – Meaning: Goodwill
  • Petruchio – Meaning: Stone
  • Antonio – Meaning: Priceless one
  • Malvolio – Meaning: Ill will
  • Iago – Meaning: Supplanter
  • Caliban – Meaning: Black
  • Mercutio – Meaning: Merciful
  • Prospero – Meaning: Success
  • Achilles – Meaning: Lipless, grief
  • Demetrius – Meaning: Follower of Demeter
  • Kent – Meaning: High or coastal land
  • Laertes – Meaning: One who is known
  • Balthazar – Meaning: God protects the king
  • Sebastian – Meaning: Venerable
  • Oliver – Meaning: Olive tree
  • Paris – Meaning: Wallet
  • Francisco – Meaning: Frenchman
  • Lucius – Meaning: Bringer of light
  • Tybalt – Meaning: Bold, brave
  • Prosper – Meaning: Successful
  • Horatio – Meaning: Timekeeper
  • Clarence – Meaning: Bright, shining one
  • Griffin – Meaning: Strong lord
  • Roderigo – Meaning: Famous ruler
  • Lorenzo – Meaning: Laurel
  • Cassius – Meaning: Empty
  • Valentine – Meaning: Strong, healthy

Female Shakespearean Cat Names

  • Desdemona – Meaning: Unlucky
  • Portia – Meaning: Pig, hog
  • Juliet – Meaning: Youthful
  • Hermia – Meaning: Messenger
  • Imogen – Meaning: Innocent
  • Bianca – Meaning: White
  • Perdita – Meaning: Lost one
  • Goneril – Meaning: One who is lost
  • Regan – Meaning: Little ruler
  • Isabella – Meaning: Devoted to God
  • Pamela – Meaning: All honey
  • Hermione – Meaning: Earthly
  • Titania – Meaning: Great one
  • Rosalind – Meaning: Beautiful rose
  • Cordelia – Meaning: Heart
  • Helena – Meaning: Bright, shining one
  • Luciana – Meaning: Light
  • Rosaline – Meaning: Pretty rose
  • Viola – Meaning: Joyful
  • Ophelia – Meaning: Helper
  • Beatrice – Meaning: She who brings happiness
  • Ariel – Meaning: Lion of God
  • Celia – Meaning: Heaven
  • Miranda – Meaning: Admirable
  • Petra – Meaning: Rock
  • Lysander – Meaning: Liberator
  • Romeo – Meaning: Romantic
  • Orlando – Meaning: Renowned land
  • Helicon – Meaning: Sacred mountain
  • Cleopatra – Meaning: Glory of the father
  • Vienna – Meaning: White wave

How to Choose Shakespearean Cat Names?

  1. Consider your cat’s personality: Choose a name that reflects your cat’s traits or behavior. For example, if your cat is playful, you could name them Puck.
  2. Take inspiration from Shakespearean characters: Look for names of characters that resonate with you or your cat’s appearance. For instance, if your cat is regal and dignified, you could name them Regan or Prospero.
  3. Think about the meaning: Consider the meaning behind the name and how it aligns with your cat’s qualities. If your cat is known for bringing joy to your life, a name like Beatrice or Viola, which means happiness and joyful, could be fitting.
  4. Consider the sound and ease of pronunciation: Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and has a pleasant sound. Names like Romeo, Ophelia, or Miranda have a lyrical quality that can be appealing.
  5. Personalize the name: Add a personal touch by modifying or combining Shakespearean names to create something unique. For example, you could combine the names Rosalind and Viola to create the name Rosavi.
  6. Test the name: Say the name out loud and see how it feels. Make sure it rolls off the tongue easily and that you and your cat respond positively to it.
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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