130+ Roman Mythology Cat Names

Looking for a meaningful name for your new cat? Here is a list of Roman Mythology cat names featuring gods, goddesses and mythical creatures

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Clarence Kate

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Are you a cat lover in search of a truly unique and meaningful name for your feline friend? Look no further than the captivating world of Roman mythology! Inspired by the ancient tales of gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures, Roman mythology cat names are a perfect way to honor your cat’s individuality while adding a touch of ancient charm to their identity.

Whether you’re seeking a name that symbolizes beauty, strength, or wisdom, or simply want something fun and memorable, our extensive collection of Roman mythology cat names has something for every cat and cat owner. Discover the perfect name that will make your feline companion feel like a true majestic deity.

Explore our list today and unleash the power of Roman mythology in your cat’s name!

Best Roman Mythology Cat Names

  • Apollo – Perfect for a regal and majestic cat
  • Aurora – Ideal for a beautiful and radiant cat
  • Bacchus – Suited for a playful and lively cat
  • Ceres – Great for a nurturing and protective cat
  • Diana – Suitable for an independent and adventurous cat
  • Eros – Perfect for a loving and affectionate cat
  • Faustus – Ideal for an intelligent and cunning cat
  • Hercules – Suited for a strong and powerful cat
  • Isis – Great for a mysterious and graceful cat
  • Juno – Suitable for a queenly and regal cat
  • Mars – Perfect for a brave and courageous cat
  • Minerva – Ideal for a wise and clever cat
  • Neptune – Suited for a water-loving and adventurous cat
  • Pandora – Great for a curious and mischievous cat
  • Phoebe – Suitable for a radiant and beautiful cat
  • Romeo – Perfect for a charming and affectionate cat
  • Saturn – Ideal for a calm and steady cat
  • Stella – Suited for a shining and bright cat
  • Triton – Great for a lively and energetic cat
  • Ulysses – Suitable for a clever and resourceful cat
  • Venus – Perfect for a graceful and elegant cat
  • Vulcan – Ideal for a fiery and energetic cat
  • Zephyr – Suited for a gentle and breezy cat
  • Janus – Suitable for a cat with two different personalities
  • Calypso – Great for a mysterious and enchanting cat
  • Nyx – Perfect for a cat that is active at night
  • Cupid – Ideal for a cat that brings love and joy
  • Marcellus – Suited for a noble and distinguished cat
  • Flora – Great for a cat with a vibrant and colorful personality
  • Clio – Suitable for a cat that is curious and loves to explore
  • Apollo – Perfect for a cat that is graceful and artistic

Funny Roman Mythology Cat Names

  • Meowcus – A playful and mischievous cat
  • Catpurnia – A regal and sophisticated cat
  • Purrcules – A strong and powerful cat
  • Jupiterpaws – A cat that rules the household
  • Purrsphone – A cat that loves to communicate
  • Catulus Maximus – A cat that thinks it’s the boss
  • Felineus – A cat that is always curious
  • Purrsephone – A cat that can be both sweet and sassy
  • Spawrtacus – A fearless and adventurous cat
  • Meowlus Caesar – A cat that has a commanding presence
  • Purrseus – A cat that is a natural born leader
  • Caesarpurr – A cat that demands respect
  • Purrgammes – A playful and energetic cat
  • Octocat – A cat with many talents and skills
  • Meowdius – A cat with a regal and majestic demeanor
  • Purrseidon – A cat that loves to explore the water
  • Catrick Swayze – A charismatic and charming cat
  • Fluffius Maximus – A cat with a luxurious and fluffy coat
  • Purrfessor – A wise and knowledgeable cat
  • Meowdusa – A cat with a gaze that can turn you to stone
  • Purry Potter – A magical and adventurous cat
  • Catzya – A mischievous and cunning cat
  • Purrticus – A cat that loves to play and chase
  • Meowrio – A cat that is always ready for an adventure
  • Purrgentina – A cat with a fiery and passionate personality
  • Caesar Salad – A cat that loves to eat
  • Purrlock Holmes – A cat with a keen sense of observation
  • Catniss Everdeen – A brave and resourceful cat
  • Purrfecto – A cat that is always perfect in every way
  • Meowderick – A cat that is always dignified and composed

Cool Roman Mythology Cat Names

  • Achilles – A cool and fearless cat
  • Athena – A cat that is wise and strategic
  • Bellona – A cat that is fierce and powerful
  • Calypso – A mysterious and enchanting cat
  • Cassius – A cat that is confident and self-assured
  • Cleopatra – A cat with a regal and captivating presence
  • Draco – A cat that is strong and independent
  • Fury – A cat with a fiery and passionate personality
  • Hermes – A cat that is quick and agile
  • Jupiter – A cat that is powerful and majestic
  • Luna – A cat that is mysterious and alluring
  • Magnus – A cat with a strong and powerful aura
  • Nero – A cat that is bold and daring
  • Orion – A cat with a strong and commanding presence
  • Persephone – A cat that is graceful and elegant
  • Ragnar – A cat that is fierce and fearless
  • Scorpio – A cat with a mysterious and intense personality
  • Spartacus – A cat that is strong and courageous
  • Tiberius – A cat that is dignified and regal
  • Valentina – A cat with a cool and confident personality
  • Xena – A cat that is brave and courageous
  • Zeus – A cat that is powerful and mighty
  • Cyra – A cool and fierce cat
  • Atlas – A cat that is strong and resilient
  • Juno – A cat that is regal and majestic
  • Phoebe – A cat that is radiant and beautiful
  • Nyx – A cat that is mysterious and enchanting
  • Cyrus – A cool and charismatic cat
  • Vesper – A cat that is elegant and graceful
  • Titus – A cat that is strong and noble

Unique Roman Mythology Cat Names

  • Amara – A cat that is everlasting and immortal
  • Aurelia – A cat with a golden and radiant personality
  • Boreas – A cat that is cold and distant yet fascinating
  • Cassiopeia – A cat that is beautiful and captivating
  • Daphne – A cat that is graceful and elusive
  • Evander – A cat that is brave and heroic
  • Galatea – A cat that is unique and one-of-a-kind
  • Hespera – A cat that is associated with the evening and twilight
  • Ignatius – A cat that is fiery and full of passion
  • Kallisto – A cat that is beautiful and alluring
  • Lysander – A cat that is adventurous and daring
  • Mirabella – A cat that is wonderful and extraordinary
  • Narcissa – A cat that is self-centered and obsessed with beauty
  • Oberon – A cat that is magical and enchanting
  • Phaedra – A cat that is mysterious and seductive
  • Quintus – A cat that is strong and resilient
  • Roxana – A cat that is fierce and powerful
  • Solomon – A cat that is wise and knowledgeable
  • Tacitus – A cat that is quiet and observant
  • Ursula – A cat that is strong and independent
  • Vespera – A cat that is associated with the evening and twilight
  • Wisteria – A cat that is unique and enchanting
  • Xanthe – A cat that is bright and vibrant
  • Yara – A cat that is mysterious and alluring
  • Zephyra – A cat that is gentle and breezy
  • Apollo – A cat that is artistic and creative
  • Bellatrix – A cat that is fierce and strong
  • Cassian – A cat that is mysterious and intriguing
  • Darius – A cat that is noble and dignified

Cute Roman Mythology Cat Names

  • Apollo – The god of music, poetry, and healing.
  • Aurora – The goddess of dawn.
  • Bacchus – The god of wine and celebration.
  • Celestia – Derived from Caelum, meaning “heaven” or “sky.”
  • Cupid – The god of love and desire.
  • Diana – The goddess of the hunt and the moon.
  • Eos – The goddess of the dawn.
  • Faustus – Meaning “fortunate” or “lucky.”
  • Flora – The goddess of flowers and spring.
  • Hercules – The strongest of all the gods, known for his great strength.
  • Iris – The goddess of the rainbow.
  • Juno – The queen of the gods and goddess of marriage and childbirth.
  • Luna – The goddess of the moon.
  • Mercury – The messenger of the gods.
  • Neptune – The god of the sea.
  • Nyx – The goddess of the night.
  • Olympia – Derived from Olympus, the home of the gods.
  • Pandora – The first woman created by the gods.
  • Pax – Meaning “peace.”
  • Phoenix – A mythical bird that is reborn from its ashes.
  • Pluto – The god of the underworld.
  • Pomona – The goddess of fruit trees and orchards.
  • Rhea – The goddess of fertility and motherhood.
  • Sabrina – Derived from the river Sabrina, associated with wisdom and magic.
  • Stella – Meaning “star.”
  • Terra – The goddess of the earth.
  • Ulysses – The hero of Homer’s epic poem, known for his cunning.
  • Venus – The goddess of love and beauty.
  • Victor – Meaning “victorious.”
  • Zephyr – The god of the west wind.

Male Roman Mythology Cat Names

  • Aeneas – A famous Trojan hero.
  • Bacchus – The god of wine and celebration.
  • Cato – Meaning “wise” or “intelligent.”
  • Darius – Meaning “wealthy” or “kingly.”
  • Eros – The god of love.
  • Felix – Meaning “lucky” or “happy.”
  • Gaius – Meaning “rejoice” or “delight.”
  • Hector – A hero in the Trojan War.
  • Icarus – A character who flew too close to the sun.
  • Jupiter – The king of the gods.
  • Kaius – Meaning “rejoice” or “delight.”
  • Lucius – Meaning “light” or “illumination.”
  • Maximus – Meaning “greatest” or “largest.”
  • Nero – Meaning “strong” or “vigorous.”
  • Oscar – Meaning “divine spear.”
  • Perseus – A hero known for slaying Medusa.
  • Quintus – Meaning “fifth.”
  • Roman – Meaning “from Rome.”
  • Sebastian – Meaning “venerable” or “revered.”
  • Tiberius – Meaning “of the Tiber River.”
  • Titus – Meaning “honorable” or “noble.”
  • Valerius – Meaning “strong” or “healthy.”
  • Victor – Meaning “victorious.”
  • Xander – Meaning “defender of the people.”
  • Yannick – Meaning “God is gracious.”
  • Zephyrus – The god of the west wind.

Female Roman Mythology Cat Names

  • Amara – Meaning “eternal” or “unfading.”
  • Bella – Meaning “beautiful.”
  • Cassandra – A prophetess known for her accurate predictions.
  • Daphne – A nymph transformed into a laurel tree.
  • Elysia – Derived from Elysium, the realm of the blessed.
  • Fiona – Meaning “fair” or “white.”
  • Gaia – The goddess of the earth.
  • Hermione – A character known for her intelligence and bravery.
  • Isabella – Meaning “pledged to God.”
  • Jasmine – A flower associated with love and beauty.
  • Kira – Meaning “light” or “sun.”
  • Lavinia – A character in Virgil’s Aeneid.
  • Maia – The goddess of growth and spring.
  • Nova – Meaning “new” or “young.”
  • Ophelia – A tragic character from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
  • Penelope – The faithful wife of Odysseus.
  • Quintina – Meaning “fifth-born.”
  • Rhea – The goddess of fertility and motherhood.
  • Seraphina – Meaning “burning ones” or “fiery.”
  • Thalia – The muse of comedy and idyllic poetry.
  • Ursula – Meaning “little bear.”
  • Valentina – Meaning “strong” or “healthy.”
  • Victoria – Meaning “victory.”
  • Willow – A tree associated with magic and healing.
  • Xenia – Meaning “hospitality” or “guest-friendship.”
  • Yara – Meaning “water lady” or “small butterfly.”
  • Zara – Meaning “princess” or “flower.”

How to Choose Roman Mythology Cat Names?

  1. Consider your cat’s appearance or personality: Choose a name that reflects a physical trait or characteristic of your cat. For example, if your cat has beautiful blue eyes, you could name them “Iris” after the goddess of the rainbow.
  2. Research Roman mythology: Explore different Roman gods, goddesses, heroes, and creatures to find inspiration for unique names. For instance, if your cat is playful and mischievous, you could name them “Mercury” after the mischievous messenger of the gods.
  3. Think about the meaning behind the name: Look for names that have positive meanings that resonate with you and your cat’s qualities. For example, “Aurora” means “dawn” and can symbolize new beginnings and beauty.
  4. Consider the sound of the name: Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and has a pleasant sound. Test out different names by saying them aloud to see which ones roll off the tongue smoothly.
  5. Personalize the name: Feel free to modify or combine names to create something unique. For instance, you could combine “Luna” and “Stella” to create the name “Lunastella” for a cat who loves to stargaze.
  6. Take your time: Don’t rush the naming process. Take your time to find a name that feels right and resonates with you and your cat’s personality. It’s important to choose a name that you’ll both love for years to come.
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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