161+ My Little Pony Cat Names

Looking for My Little Pony cat names? Here’s a list of perfect My Little Pony inspired cat names.

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Clarence Kate

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Looking for a great name for your feline friend? If you’re a fan of the magical world of My Little Pony, why not give your cat a whimsical name inspired by this beloved franchise?

From the enchanting characters to the vibrant settings, My Little Pony offers a treasure trove of adorable and unique names for your furry companion. Whether you have a mischievous kitten or a regal cat, these My Little Pony-inspired names will add a touch of charm to their personality.

Get ready to embark on an enchanting naming adventure with our selection of My Little Pony cat names.

Best My Little Pony Cat Names

  • Rainbow Dash – Perfect for an energetic and playful cat
  • Twilight Sparkle – Ideal for a smart and curious cat
  • Pinkie Pie – Great for a cat with a bubbly and outgoing personality
  • Fluttershy – Suitable for a shy and gentle cat
  • Applejack – A fitting name for a strong and hardworking cat
  • Rarity – Perfect for a cat with a luxurious and elegant demeanor
  • Spike – Ideal for a loyal and protective cat
  • Princess Luna – Great for a regal and majestic cat
  • Princess Celestia – Suitable for a cat with a calm and wise disposition
  • Starlight Glimmer – A fitting name for a cat with a strong and determined personality
  • Sunset Shimmer – Perfect for a cat with a fiery and adventurous spirit
  • Derpy Hooves – Ideal for an adorable and clumsy cat
  • Big McIntosh – Great for a large and strong cat
  • Sweetie Belle – Suitable for a cute and playful cat
  • Scootaloo – A fitting name for a cat with a fearless and adventurous nature
  • Apple Bloom – Perfect for a curious and mischievous cat
  • Bon Bon – Ideal for a sweet and affectionate cat
  • Lyra Heartstrings – Great for a musical and harmonious cat
  • Octavia Melody – Suitable for a cat with a sophisticated and refined personality
  • Flam – A fitting name for a mischievous and cunning cat
  • Flim – Perfect for a cat with a persuasive and charming nature
  • Discord – Ideal for a cat with a mischievous and unpredictable personality
  • Chrysalis – Great for a mysterious and enigmatic cat
  • Trixie – Suitable for a cat with a boastful and showoff attitude
  • Sunburst – A fitting name for a cat with a bright and intelligent mind
  • Zecora – Perfect for a cat with a wise and mystical aura
  • Spitfire – Ideal for a cat with a strong and competitive nature
  • Braeburn – Great for a cat with a friendly and welcoming demeanor
  • Maud Pie – Suitable for a cat with a calm and stoic personality
  • Luna Eclipse – A fitting name for a cat with a dark and mysterious presence

Funny My Little Pony Cat Names

  • Derpy Purrs – A cat with a clumsy and adorable personality
  • Meowgic Twilight – A cat with a magical and curious nature
  • Purrincess Celestia – A regal and majestic cat with a purring nature
  • Pawty Pie – A cat that loves to party and have fun
  • Rainbow Whiskers – A cat with colorful and vibrant whiskers
  • Feline Shy – A shy and gentle cat with a meek purr
  • Fluttercat – A cat that flutters around with grace and elegance
  • Spike the Catnip Dragon – A cat that goes crazy for catnip
  • Princess Luna-tic – A mischievous and playful cat that comes alive at night
  • Purrcy Jack – A strong and hardworking cat that loves to purr
  • Rarity Paws – A cat with a luxurious and pampered lifestyle
  • Catilda – A cat with a sophisticated and refined personality
  • Purrty Belle – A cute and playful cat that loves to purr
  • Snuggleloo – A cuddly and affectionate cat that loves to snuggle
  • Apple Scratch – A mischievous and curious cat that loves to scratch
  • Bon Bon Bonkers – A sweet and nutty cat full of surprises
  • Whisker Melody – A musical and harmonious cat that loves to sing
  • Octo-paws – A cat with eight paws that gets into all sorts of trouble
  • Flam-azing – A cat with a fiery and unpredictable personality
  • Flim-fool – A cat that loves to fool around and play pranks
  • Dis-cat-d – A mischievous and unpredictable cat that keeps you on your toes
  • Chryspurr-lis – A mysterious and enchanting cat with a captivating purr
  • Trixie Whiskers – A cat that loves to show off and perform tricks
  • Sunburp – A cat that loves to bask in the sun and let out burps
  • Zecora-purr – A wise and mystical cat with a soothing purr
  • Spitfire Spark – A cat with a fiery and competitive spirit
  • Brae-meow – A friendly and welcoming cat that loves to meow
  • Maud Purr – A calm and stoic cat with a purring presence
  • Luna Whiskers – A cat with dark and mysterious whiskers

Cool My Little Pony Cat Names

  • Stormbreaker – A cat with a powerful and fierce presence
  • Nightshade – A mysterious and alluring cat
  • Blaze – A cat with a fiery and adventurous spirit
  • Shadowdancer – A cat that moves with grace and stealth
  • Blitz – A quick and agile cat
  • Midnight – A cat with a dark and mesmerizing presence
  • Frostbite – A cool and aloof cat with icy blue eyes
  • Raven – A cat with a sleek and mysterious black coat
  • Whisper – A cat with a soft and gentle purr
  • Steelheart – A strong and resilient cat
  • Viper – A cat with a sharp and cunning nature
  • Onyx – A cat with a glossy black coat
  • Phoenix – A cat that rises from the ashes with grace and power
  • Stormrider – A cat that loves to chase storms
  • Nebula – A cat with a mesmerizing and starry coat
  • Jaguar – A cat with a fierce and wild spirit
  • Thunder – A cat that commands attention and respect
  • Silverstrike – A cat with lightning-fast reflexes
  • Sabre – A cat with a sharp and dangerous presence
  • Blizzard – A cool and collected cat
  • Shade – A cat that prefers the shadows
  • Whirlwind – A cat that is always on the move
  • Obsidian – A cat with a smooth and polished black coat
  • Stormy – A cat with a stormy and unpredictable personality
  • Lunar – A cat that is connected to the moon
  • Scarlet – A cat with a vibrant and fiery personality
  • Thunderstrike – A cat with a lightning-like presence
  • Velvet – A cat with a soft and luxurious coat
  • Mystique – A cat with a mysterious and enigmatic nature
  • Rogue – A cat that likes to go against the rules

Unique My Little Pony Cat Names

  • Starwhisker – A cat with whiskers that shimmer like the stars
  • Aurora – A cat with a beautiful and colorful coat
  • Merlin – A wise and magical cat
  • Opaline – A cat with a unique and iridescent fur
  • Galaxy – A cat that is out of this world
  • Saffron – A cat with a warm and golden coat
  • Quicksilver – A cat that is quick on its paws
  • Cosmo – A cat with a cosmic and otherworldly presence
  • Solstice – A cat that shines brightly during the longest night
  • Avalon – A cat that is connected to a mythical and magical land
  • Lumos – A cat that emits a soft and enchanting glow
  • Aether – A cat that is ethereal and delicate
  • Ember – A cat with a fiery and passionate personality
  • Celestine – A cat with a celestial and divine aura
  • Frost – A cat that is as cool as ice
  • Whimsy – A cat that is playful and full of whimsical charm
  • Indigo – A cat with a deep and mysterious aura
  • Serenity – A cat that brings peace and tranquility
  • Thistle – A cat with a spiky and adventurous nature
  • Lyric – A cat that loves to sing and make melodic meows
  • Harmony – A cat that brings balance and harmony to its surroundings
  • Zephyr – A cat that is as gentle as the wind
  • Mercury – A cat with a quick and agile mind
  • Blossom – A cat that blooms with beauty and grace
  • Whispering Willow – A cat that communicates through soft purrs and gentle movements
  • Cobalt – A cat with a deep and rich blue coat
  • Sunbeam – A cat that brings warmth and light into your life
  • Eclipse – A cat with a dark and mysterious presence
  • Iris – A cat with colorful and vibrant eyes
  • Quasar – A cat that is as bright and powerful as a distant star

Cute My Little Pony Cat Names:

  • Twilight Sparkle – named after the main character, perfect for a cat that is intelligent and curious.
  • Rainbow Dash – for a cat that is playful, energetic, and loves to zoom around the house.
  • Pinkie Pie – ideal for a cat that is always happy, friendly, and loves to entertain.
  • Fluttershy – a great name for a shy and gentle cat who loves nature and animals.
  • Applejack – for a strong and hardworking cat who loves the outdoors.
  • Rarity – perfect for a cat with a luxurious and elegant coat.
  • Spike – inspired by the loyal and helpful dragon character, suitable for a cat that is always by your side.
  • Starlight Glimmer – a magical name for a cat that is enchanting and mysterious.
  • Sweetie Belle – for a cat that is sweet, innocent, and brings joy to your life.
  • Princess Celestia – a regal name for a cat that exudes grace and beauty.
  • Princess Luna – ideal for a cat that is calm, mysterious, and loves the night.
  • Derpy Hooves – for a cat that is clumsy, but lovable and brings smiles to everyone’s faces.
  • Sunset Shimmer – perfect for a cat with a fiery personality and a beautiful coat.
  • Lyra Heartstrings – a musical name for a cat that loves to entertain and be the center of attention.
  • Bon Bon – for a cat that is sweet, affectionate, and loves to cuddle.
  • Flurry Heart – inspired by the adorable and playful baby alicorn, suitable for a kitten.
  • Silver Spoon – a great name for a cat that is elegant, sophisticated, and has a silver-colored coat.
  • Big Macintosh – for a cat that is strong, reliable, and always there to support you.
  • Soarin – perfect for a cat that loves to climb, jump, and explore the heights.
  • Spitfire – inspired by the confident and determined Wonderbolt, suitable for a fearless and athletic cat.
  • Zecora – a mystical name for a cat that has a unique and captivating appearance.
  • Queen Chrysalis – ideal for a cat that is cunning, mysterious, and has a mischievous streak.
  • Discord – for a cat that is mischievous, unpredictable, and always keeps you on your toes.
  • Shining Armor – perfect for a cat that is protective, loyal, and loves to take care of others.
  • Apple Bloom – a playful name for a kitten that brings joy and mischief to your home.
  • Flitter – inspired by the energetic and social pegasus, suitable for a cat that loves to socialize and play with others.
  • Pipsqueak – for a small and adorable cat with a big personality.
  • Cadance – a graceful and elegant name for a cat that brings love and harmony to your life.
  • Scootaloo – perfect for a cat that is adventurous, daring, and always ready to try new things.
  • Star Swirl – inspired by the wise and powerful unicorn, suitable for a cat that is intelligent and mystical.

Male My Little Pony Cat Names:

  • Thunderlane – inspired by the strong and fast pegasus, suitable for a male cat with a bold and adventurous personality.
  • Flash Sentry – for a male cat that is brave, loyal, and always there to protect you.
  • Snips – a playful name for a mischievous and curious male cat.
  • Braeburn – for a male cat that is strong, reliable, and loves the outdoors.
  • Feather Bangs – inspired by the confident and stylish male pony, suitable for a male cat with a charming personality.
  • Snowflake – a cute name for a male cat with a white coat.
  • Blaze – perfect for a male cat with a fiery personality and a striking appearance.
  • Golden Delicious – for a male cat with a golden-colored coat and a sweet disposition.
  • Twist – a quirky and unique name for a male cat with a twist in his personality.
  • Diamond Tiara – inspired by the spoiled but lovable filly, suitable for a male cat with a luxurious coat.
  • Flint – for a male cat that is strong, rugged, and always up for an adventure.
  • Hoops – a playful and sporty name for an active male cat.
  • Thunderlane – inspired by the strong and fast pegasus, suitable for a male cat with a bold and adventurous personality.
  • Flash Sentry – for a male cat that is brave, loyal, and always there to protect you.
  • Snips – a playful name for a mischievous and curious male cat.
  • Braeburn – for a male cat that is strong, reliable, and loves the outdoors.
  • Feather Bangs – inspired by the confident and stylish male pony, suitable for a male cat with a charming personality.
  • Snowflake – a cute name for a male cat with a white coat.
  • Blaze – perfect for a male cat with a fiery personality and a striking appearance.
  • Golden Delicious – for a male cat with a golden-colored coat and a sweet disposition.
  • Twist – a quirky and unique name for a male cat with a twist in his personality.
  • Diamond Tiara – inspired by the spoiled but lovable filly, suitable for a male cat with a luxurious coat.
  • Flint – for a male cat that is strong, rugged, and always up for an adventure.
  • Hoops – a playful and sporty name for an active male cat.
  • Star Bright – for a male cat that shines bright and brings light to your life.
  • Comet Tail – inspired by the graceful and elegant male pony, suitable for a male cat with a gentle and serene personality.
  • Thunderlane – perfect for a male cat that is powerful, strong, and has a thunderous presence.
  • Big Shot – for a male cat that is confident, ambitious, and always aims high.
  • Fizz – a bubbly and energetic name for a male cat that brings excitement and fun to your home.
  • Whistle Wishes – inspired by the optimistic and dreamy male pony, suitable for a male cat that brings hope and joy.

Female My Little Pony Cat Names:

  • Flurry Heart – inspired by the adorable and playful baby alicorn, suitable for a female kitten.
  • Rarity – for a female cat with a luxurious and elegant coat.
  • Applejack – perfect for a female cat that is strong, hardworking, and loves the outdoors.
  • Pinkie Pie – a lively and cheerful name for a female cat that loves to entertain and bring joy to everyone.
  • Twilight Sparkle – for a female cat that is intelligent, curious, and always seeking knowledge.
  • Princess Celestia – a regal and majestic name for a female cat that exudes grace and beauty.
  • Fluttershy – perfect for a shy and gentle female cat who loves nature and animals.
  • Rainbow Dash – for a female cat that is playful, energetic, and loves to zoom around the house.
  • Sweetie Belle – a sweet and innocent name for a female cat that brings joy and happiness.
  • Starlight Glimmer – inspired by the magical and mysterious character, suitable for a female cat with an enchanting personality.
  • Lyra Heartstrings – for a female cat that loves music and enjoys being the center of attention.
  • Derpy Hooves – a cute and lovable name for a female cat that is clumsy but brings smiles to everyone’s faces.
  • Princess Luna – perfect for a female cat that is calm, mysterious, and loves the night.
  • Sunset Shimmer – a fiery and vibrant name for a female cat with a beautiful coat.
  • Bon Bon – for a female cat that is sweet, affectionate, and loves to cuddle.
  • Zecora – inspired by the mystical and unique character, suitable for a female cat with a captivating appearance.
  • Queen Chrysalis – a powerful and cunning name for a female cat that has a mischievous streak.
  • Spitfire – perfect for a female cat that is fearless, athletic, and always ready to take flight.
  • Cadance – a graceful and elegant name for a female cat that brings love and harmony to your life.
  • Scootaloo – for a female cat that is adventurous, daring, and always ready to try new things.
  • Star Swirl – inspired by the wise and mystical character, suitable for a female cat that is intelligent and magical.
  • Diamond Tiara – a name for a female cat that is confident, stylish, and loves to be in the spotlight.
  • Blossomforth – perfect for a female cat that is gentle, kind, and always blooms with happiness.
  • Windy Whistles – for a female cat that is energetic, fun-loving, and loves to play in the wind.
  • Flitter – a social and playful name for a female cat that loves to socialize and play with others.
  • Mayor Mare – for a female cat that is wise, responsible, and takes charge of her surroundings.
  • Sapphire Shores – inspired by the glamorous and talented character, suitable for a female cat with a beautiful and shiny coat.
  • Octavia Melody – a musical and sophisticated name for a female cat that loves to create harmony.
  • Apple Bloom – for a playful and mischievous female kitten that brings joy and fun to your home.
  • Silver Spoon – a name for a female cat that is elegant, refined, and has a silver-colored coat.

How to Choose My Little Pony Cat Names?

  1. Consider your cat’s personality: Think about your cat’s traits and characteristics. Does your cat have a playful nature like Pinkie Pie or a calm demeanor like Fluttershy? Choose a name that reflects your cat’s personality.
  2. Look for inspiration in the characters: The My Little Pony series has a wide range of characters with unique qualities. Choose a name based on a character that resonates with you or your cat.
  3. Think about appearance: Does your cat have a coat color or pattern that reminds you of a specific pony? Use their appearance as inspiration for their name. For example, if your cat has a white coat, you can name them Snowflake.
  4. Consider the meaning: Some pony names have specific meanings associated with them. Research the meanings behind the names and choose one that aligns with your cat’s personality or characteristics.
  5. Make it memorable: Choose a name that is easy to remember and pronounce. Avoid names that are too long or complicated.
  6. Get creative: Don’t be afraid to mix and match names or create your own unique name inspired by the My Little Pony series. Let your imagination run wild!
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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