91+ Chinese Mythology Cat Names

Looking for a meaningful name for your new cat? Here is a list of Chinese Mythology cat names featuring gods, goddesses and mythical creatures

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Clarence Kate

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Are you a cat owner on the hunt for a truly unique and meaningful name for your furry friend? Look no further! If you’re inspired by Chinese mythology and its rich traditions, we have the perfect solution for you. Our collection of Chinese mythology cat names is sure to captivate your imagination and add a touch of mystique to your feline companion’s identity.

Whether you desire a name that embodies strength, wisdom, and beauty, or simply want something fun and memorable, we’ve got you covered. Explore our selection of enchanting Chinese mythology cat names and find the perfect moniker that resonates with your cat’s personality.

Don’t wait any longer—let the magic and wonder of Chinese mythology infuse your cat’s name with a touch of the extraordinary.

Best Chinese Mythology Cat Names

  • Jingwei – Ideal for a brave and courageous cat
  • Xuanwu – Perfect for a cat with a mysterious and wise demeanor
  • Nüwa – Suitable for a cat that is known for its creativity and resourcefulness
  • Zhu Bajie – Ideal for a playful and mischievous cat
  • Yanluo – Perfect for a cat with a regal and powerful presence
  • Chang’e – Suitable for a graceful and elegant cat
  • Baize – Ideal for a cat with a calm and serene personality
  • Bixi – Perfect for a cat that is known for its strength and resilience
  • Lei Gong – Suitable for a cat that is quick and agile
  • Xi Wangmu – Ideal for a cat with a nurturing and protective nature
  • Houyi – Perfect for a cat that is known for its sharp senses and hunting abilities
  • Qilin – Suitable for a cat that is rare and majestic
  • Su Daji – Ideal for a cat that is cunning and sly
  • Yuchi Jingde – Perfect for a loyal and brave cat
  • Zhong Kui – Suitable for a cat that is known for its intelligence and problem-solving skills
  • Nezha – Ideal for a playful and energetic cat
  • Hongjun Laozu – Perfect for a wise and knowledgeable cat
  • Hei Bai Wuchang – Suitable for a cat that has a dual personality or appearance
  • Yanluo Wang – Ideal for a cat with a mysterious and enigmatic aura
  • Guanyin – Perfect for a compassionate and gentle cat
  • Yu Huang – Suitable for a cat that is powerful and commanding
  • Pixiu – Ideal for a cat that brings good luck and fortune
  • Zhu Rong – Perfect for a cat that has a fiery and passionate nature
  • Yang Jian – Suitable for a cat that is known for its loyalty and bravery
  • Zhurong – Ideal for a cat that is fierce and fearless
  • Mazu – Perfect for a cat that is protective and caring
  • Wu Gang – Suitable for a cat that is hardworking and persistent
  • Chenghuangshen – Ideal for a cat that is responsible and reliable
  • Nian – Perfect for a cat that is playful and mischievous
  • Li Jing – Suitable for a cat that is known for its strength and power
  • Pangu – Ideal for a cat that is wise and knowledgeable

Funny Chinese Mythology Cat Names

  • Mao Zedong – Perfect for a cat that likes to lead
  • Baozi – Ideal for a cat that loves to eat
  • Wukong – Suitable for a mischievous and adventurous cat
  • Pan Jinlian – Perfect for a cat that is flirtatious and charming
  • Douzi – Ideal for a cat that is clumsy and always getting into trouble
  • Wang Ba Lao – Suitable for a lazy and laid-back cat
  • Mei Hua – Perfect for a cat that is full of energy and always on the go
  • Shenlong – Ideal for a cat that is full of wisdom and knowledge
  • Hu Li Jing – Suitable for a cat that is cunning and sly
  • Shifu – Perfect for a cat that is wise and skilled
  • Er Lang – Ideal for a cat that is mischievous and always up to something
  • Gong Gong – Suitable for a cat that is clumsy and always causing accidents
  • Xingxing – Perfect for a cat that is small and cute
  • Doudou – Ideal for a cat that is fluffy and cuddly
  • Xiaopeng – Suitable for a cat that is playful and active
  • Hehe – Perfect for a cat that is always making you laugh
  • Wahaha – Ideal for a cat that is constantly having fun
  • Baobao – Suitable for a cat that is adorable and lovable
  • Mi Mi – Perfect for a cat that is mysterious and enchanting
  • Jiji – Ideal for a cat that is always by your side
  • Huanhuan – Suitable for a cat that is happy and cheerful
  • Feifei – Perfect for a cat that is graceful and elegant
  • Tiantian – Ideal for a cat that is calm and peaceful
  • Yoyo – Suitable for a cat that loves to play with toys
  • Mimi – Perfect for a cat that is small and delicate
  • Xixi – Ideal for a cat that is always full of joy
  • Cici – Suitable for a cat that is curious and inquisitive
  • Lulu – Perfect for a cat that is sweet and gentle
  • Kaka – Ideal for a cat that is always making funny sounds
  • Yaya – Suitable for a cat that is talkative and expressive
  • Dada – Perfect for a cat that is bold and daring

Cool Chinese Mythology Cat Names

  • Longwei – Ideal for a cat that is strong and powerful
  • Tianhuo – Perfect for a cat with a fiery and passionate personality
  • Fenghuang – Suitable for a cat that is majestic and regal
  • Zhulong – Ideal for a cat that is mysterious and enigmatic
  • Qingniao – Perfect for a cat that is quick and agile
  • Chimeng – Suitable for a cat that is brave and fearless
  • Xingtian – Ideal for a cat that is known for its resilience and determination
  • Qianqiu – Perfect for a cat that is graceful and elegant
  • Yazi – Suitable for a cat that is fierce and formidable
  • Qiongqi – Ideal for a cat that is powerful and commanding
  • Lingzhi – Perfect for a cat that is rare and unique
  • Xuanniao – Suitable for a cat that is mysterious and elusive
  • Jiutoulong – Ideal for a cat that is wise and knowledgeable
  • Yanwang – Perfect for a cat that has a mysterious and powerful aura
  • Qiongqi – Suitable for a cat that is fierce and formidable
  • Wuzhiqi – Ideal for a cat that is playful and mischievous
  • Fenghou – Perfect for a cat that is agile and nimble
  • Xuanming – Suitable for a cat that is wise and all-knowing
  • Huosi – Ideal for a cat that is fast and agile
  • Muxi – Perfect for a cat that is mysterious and elusive
  • Shenlong – Suitable for a cat that is powerful and majestic
  • Qilin – Ideal for a cat that is rare and majestic
  • Dijiang – Perfect for a cat that is strong and courageous
  • Chiwen – Suitable for a cat that is calm and serene
  • Panlong – Ideal for a cat that is fierce and powerful
  • Yinglong – Perfect for a cat that is agile and quick
  • Jingbian – Suitable for a cat that is elegant and graceful
  • Baxia – Ideal for a cat that is strong and resilient
  • Yinhu – Perfect for a cat that is mysterious and enchanting
  • Jiutounao – Suitable for a cat that is mischievous and playful

Unique Chinese Mythology Cat Names

  • Nügua – Perfect for a cat that is creative and resourceful
  • Qiongqi – Ideal for a cat that is fierce and powerful
  • Shui-mu Niang-niang – Suitable for a cat that is nurturing and caring
  • Yuchi Jingde – Perfect for a cat that is loyal and brave
  • Zhong Kui – Ideal for a cat that is intelligent and perceptive
  • Minghe – Suitable for a cat that is bright and radiant
  • Yanluo – Perfect for a cat that has a mysterious and enigmatic aura
  • Baize – Ideal for a cat that is calm and composed
  • Xi Wangmu – Suitable for a cat that is nurturing and protective
  • Yuanshi Tianzun – Perfect for a cat that is wise and all-knowing
  • Lei Gong – Ideal for a cat that is quick and nimble
  • Nian – Suitable for a cat that is playful and mischievous
  • Zhurong – Perfect for a cat that is fierce and fearless
  • Nezha – Ideal for a cat that is energetic and playful
  • Shennong – Suitable for a cat that is knowledgeable and wise
  • Daji – Perfect for a cat that is cunning and sly
  • Yanluo Wang – Ideal for a cat that has a mysterious and regal presence
  • Zhu Rong – Suitable for a cat that is fiery and passionate
  • Mazu – Perfect for a cat that is protective and caring
  • Wu Gang – Ideal for a cat that is hardworking and persistent
  • Chenghuangshen – Suitable for a cat that is responsible and reliable
  • Lingbao Tianzun – Perfect for a cat that is divine and majestic
  • Fei Lian – Ideal for a cat that is agile and quick
  • Xiwangmu – Suitable for a cat that is wise and nurturing
  • Yanluo Wang – Perfect for a cat that has a mysterious and enigmatic aura
  • Guanyin – Ideal for a cat that is compassionate and gentle
  • Yuanshi Tianzun – Suitable for a cat that is wise and all-knowing
  • Qilin – Perfect for a cat that is rare and majestic
  • Mazu – Ideal for a cat that is protective and caring
  • Houyi – Suitable for a cat that is skilled and brave

Cute Chinese Mythology Cat Names

  • Ling Ling – delicate and exquisite
  • Mi-Mi – beautiful and graceful
  • Li Mei – beautiful plum blossom
  • Yu Jie – elegant and refined
  • Xiǎo Mèi – little sister
  • Yù Lè – joyful and happy
  • Tián Xiǎo – sweet and small
  • Fú Xìng – lucky and prosperous
  • Zhū Líng – pearl essence
  • Xiǎo Bǎo – little treasure
  • Bāo Bǎo – precious and valuable
  • Měi Lì – beautiful and charming
  • Líng Líng – tinkling and melodious
  • Xīn Xīn – happy and content
  • Míng Huī – bright and shining
  • Rén Jūn – noble and dignified
  • Shǒu Hù – guardian and protector
  • Xǐn Yuán – grateful and appreciative
  • Jìng Xiǎng – peaceful and tranquil
  • Lǘ Chén – green morning
  • Měi Měi – beautiful and lovely
  • Liú Líng – flowing and graceful
  • Yǒu Yǒu – friendly and sociable
  • Tiān Mì – sweet and secret
  • Bǎo Bǎo – precious and cherished
  • Wén Yì – elegant and artistic
  • Miè Míng – mysterious and enchanting
  • Rén Hé – harmonious and peaceful
  • Xīn Rén – kind-hearted and compassionate
  • Píng’ān – safe and secure

Male Chinese Mythology Cat Names

  • Longwei – dragon greatness
  • Zhanshi – warrior
  • Yazhuo – elegant and refined
  • Yongrui – brave and righteous
  • Xuanwu – mysterious warrior
  • Qilin – mythical creature
  • Xiang – fragrant
  • Yunlong – cloud dragon
  • Liwei – strength and power
  • Zhongkui – wise and courageous
  • Xingxing – star
  • Yinglong – flying dragon
  • Baoshi – precious stone
  • Jiang – river
  • Huang – emperor
  • Zhisheng – wise and intelligent
  • Shuai – handsome
  • Wen – culture and literature
  • Chen – morning
  • Guo – country
  • Jian – healthy and strong
  • Min – quick and clever
  • Nan – south
  • Xiao – little
  • Dong – east
  • Wei – great and mighty
  • Rui – auspicious and lucky
  • Jun – noble and lordly
  • Lei – thunder
  • Hong – prosperous and grand

Female Chinese Mythology Cat Names

  • Baobao – treasure
  • Tianxiang – sweet fragrance
  • Xiaoling – morning bell
  • Zhenzhen – precious and valuable
  • Mengmei – dream beauty
  • Yueliang – moonlight
  • Yunyun – gentle and soft
  • Meilin – beautiful forest
  • Jingjing – quiet and serene
  • Liuli – colored glaze
  • Huahua – flower
  • Hongli – red plum
  • Yanmei – beautiful eyes
  • Xinyue – new moon
  • Lingling – tinkling and melodious
  • Minghui – intelligent and wise
  • Feiyue – flying leap
  • Baixue – white snow
  • Yingying – clever and quick
  • Yiwei – graceful and elegant
  • Xiaoxiao – little laughter
  • Huiling – compassionate and kind
  • Suyin – gentle and graceful
  • Yuexin – moon heart
  • Yunjie – beautiful and graceful
  • Meixiang – beautiful fragrance
  • Baolan – precious orchid
  • Xiaowu – little dance
  • Jingwei – mythical bird
  • Lingzi – spirit and soul

How to Choose Chinese Mythology Cat Names?

  1. Consider the meaning: Choose a name that reflects the positive qualities or characteristics you admire in your cat, such as beauty, strength, or wisdom. For example, naming your cat “Li Mei” means “beautiful plum blossom” and showcases their elegance and grace.
  2. Research Chinese mythology: Explore different Chinese mythological figures and stories to find inspiration for unique and meaningful names. For instance, the name “Xuanwu” is inspired by a legendary turtle and snake creature associated with protection and wisdom.
  3. Personalize the name: Tailor the name to your cat’s personality or appearance. For example, if your cat has a mischievous nature, you could name them “Xiao Bao,” which means “little treasure.”
  4. Sounds and pronunciation: Consider the sounds and pronunciation of the name. Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and has a pleasant ring to it. Names like “Mi-Mi” or “Ling Ling” have a melodic quality and are easy to remember.
  5. Cultural significance: Select a name that honors and celebrates Chinese culture. Look for names that are commonly used in Chinese mythology or have cultural significance. For example, “Yu Jie” means “elegant and refined” and reflects the beauty and sophistication of Chinese art and culture.
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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